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Ph.D. Candidate Annual Review

We are proud to announce the annual performance review webform which provides a convenient platform for College of Engineering Ph.D. students to communicate their research progress and concerns with their advisors while soliciting feedback from their advisors. The form is intended to be initiated by graduate students at all stages annually, and will be pre-populated by contents from the previous year. The form provides a set of generic questions to facilitate communication.

The Ph.D. students and their advisors may determine what is necessary to fill in within the form. We do recommend that advisors communicate expectations and feedback explicitly through the webforms, as this is one of the main goals of the form.


Begin Your Annual Review

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The John Lof Leadership Academy

The UConn College of Engineering is proud to announce the establishment of the John Lof Leadership Academy for Graduate Engineering Students. Backed by the generous endowment from John Lof, a former UConn Electrical and Computer Science professor of 35 years, this exclusive Academy will aim to continue the legacy of Dr. Lof, who wished to reward and cultivate a select group of future leaders and engineering trailblazers. The proceeds of the endowment will be used toward the direct support of the student members (in the form of grants and fellowships) as well as the corresponding Academy programs. Applicants are accepted annually for two-year tenures in the academy.

Learn More About the Leadership Academy


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UConn Graduate Programs