Arshiah Mirza

Arshiah Mirza

Arshiah Mirza came to the United States from India for her Ph.D. and is currently in her fourth-year of the Electrical Engineering Program. Her current research involves power electronics, insulation materials, high voltage engineering and performance enhancement of electric machines and drives with The Advanced Power Electronics and Electric Drives Lab(APEDL).

Mirza says that it is important for her to develop both her cultural and academic identities, which is why she is also involved with Tarang, a South Asian Graduate Student Community. She can speak Hindi, Urdu, Telugu, and English. As an international student, she is an orientation representative with  International Student & Scholar Services(ISSS).

Currently, Mirza represents her Electrical Engineering peers as a Senator in the Graduate Student Senate. She also contributes to the EE community as a teaching assistant for several undergraduate power electronics and machine drives courses. She also is a mentor for highschool students and K-12 teachers in summer through fellowships.

Being a part of JLLA has also served as an integral part of her development. “Though I am the same person, I see the change. My own journey towards self-awareness has shaped how I make decisions and be true to myself as a leader.”

Effective leadership skills are transferable to any industry or job, which is why Mirza went through the JLLA curriculum. Mirza’s biggest takeaway from the program is awareness of her leadership style and having the foresight to make the most effective choices while working in teams. After her graduation, Mirza looks forward to working in a National lab or teaching, though she keeps her options open.

She cares about clean-energy, education and gender equality. Which is why she aspires to own her own company that combines these together through technology.

Her favorite quote is from JK Rowling’s Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets: “It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.”